Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today Michael and I are home and the goal was to get Thanksgiving preparations under control for tomorrow. I have already had a epic fail with a homemade cheeselog made out of goat cheese. (Never make this).
Looks good in the picture right? Wrong.

So anyway, a new game plan was planned. I will be making the following dishes and will be crossing my fingers the whole time I'm making them.

Crock pot meat balls (for my mom's get together later in the evening, we will be putting up the Christmas tree at her house tomorrow night :)

To make these you bascially throw all of the following in a crock pot and then cook on low for 7-8 hours:
1) Package of frozen meatballs
2) 1 bottle chili sauce
3) 1 small jar of grape jelly (werid I know)
Got the recipe off a food blog I found through pintrest.

Also on the list is these pumpkin goat cheese mini-pies.

These ones are a little more complicated, but I have high hopes. You can get the recipe from the food blog givemeflour

Also, I will be making a "cheesy squash bake", which is suprisingly healthy.
You can get the recipe from here.
AND last but not least, I will be attemping to make a cake from a recipe that will be adapted off of a cupcake blog. Its called the Ultimate Vanilla Cupcake. I made it with their strawberry frosting. I've made the cupcakes before will great reviews from Michael.

Looks pretty ultimate right?

A little off topic, but our kitchen is coming to a close! We still haven't painted anything, but our reclaimed wood island is in the works and I'm so excited. We actually found all the lumbar out in our old barn in the backyard. I can't wait.

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